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Monday, January 14, 2013

The Siren's Song by Jewel Moss

The Siren's Song (An Erotic Short)

Awesome short story! It introduces you to Celeste, a gorgeous but deadly Siren and William, a handsome sailor. Celeste draws William in with her beautiful song & he can't help but be immediately ensnared by this lethal angel.. But will the lure of love & lust lead to Williams death? Or will he be strong enough to leave her clutches?
Definitely a great short story, enjoyable & steamy:)

Platinum Reviews gives Jewel: 
3.5 Platinum Rings!



Celeste is a Siren, the spawn of Satan and only in this world to do one thing. That one thing is seduce men to kill them and send their soul to her father. She has been good at this job for thousands of years. One day a man sails into her clutches that she doesn't want to let go, she has never felt passion and desire as she does when she kisses him. Too bad he has to die.
William is a young man on a great adventure. A lovely song makes him break his course and to his men's shock he dives into the ocean to go searching for it. What he finds is a gorgeous and mysterious woman who he desires more than any lady he has ever set his eyes upon. She has a secret though, and when he finds out he will want to run or swim for his life


Check out Jewels here:

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