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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Misunderstandings by Angel Rothamel

***WARNING: This novel is not meant for anyone under the age of 18. Graphic descriptions, m/m situations.***
Navy SEALs, a sexy airplane pilot, family drama, and some seriously sexy scenes!!  What more could you possibly want?  Ms. Rothamel gives us all of this in her novel, Misunderstandings, the first in the SEALs of Cedar, Colorado series.  Though this story had it's fair share of steamy scenes, I was also amazed at the amount of love and genuine concern these tough men had for each other.  Both as lovers and as friends.  The characters in the story were very well developed and I felt each one of their different personalities.  Angel can write a damn good villain as well.  Ashley had my palm twitching, wanting to give her a nice smack across the face.  And, Wesley?!?  One word..YUCK!!  The story follows Dan Brock, a retired member of SEAL team Twenty.  A trial team put together by Congress that consisted of only gay and bisexual men.  After his term, Dan has become an auto mechanic in the town of Cedar, Colorado.  The other members of his team have also decided to make Cedar, Colorado their home and hope to live a nice, quiet life.  Dallas Bainbridge is a small commuter airline pilot.  He is commissioned by his friends, Lucian and Tristan to fly Dan to the funeral of his biological father, who he had no idea even existed.  Family drama ensues in the wake of the funeral and the quiet life SEAL team Twenty have found in Cedar is turned upside down.  Will Dan and Dallas find love despite everything weighing against them?  Or will those that want to see them hurt, or worse, succeed?  This is truly a roller coaster of a story and I will be anxiously awaiting the next novel to see what is in store for my favorite sexy SEALs!

Platinum Book Reviews gives Angel and Misunderstandings:

4.5 platinum rings!!!

Dan Brock, a retired SEAL turned mechanic in small town Cedar, Wyoming, gets a call that changes his life forever. Meeting Dallas at a party, he thinks Dallas is a preppy boy who wastes time and money on his looks.

Dallas Bainbridge flew private planes for a living. His primary job, flying Dan’s former CO from place to place. Getting a request to fly Dan to his father’s funeral, Dallas tries to keep to himself, not knowing why Dan doesn’t like him.

Can the two men get past their misgivings, or will they allow the miscommunication to keep them apart?

Dan quickly walked over and leaned against the tree beside the bench that Dallas had fallen asleep on.  His breath caught in his throat at how f**king sexy the pilot was.  He had to figure out how to get over his prejudices and really get to know the man.  Dan knew he needed to clear the air with Dallas; he was ashamed of the way he acted.  His mother taught him better than to treat others according to his mood.

The man looked so peaceful, so innocent.  He didn't look like the prima donna Dan had originally met.

Settling back to watch the man, he allowed himself to relax.  He had a headache and he desperately needed to decompress for a little while.

After a few minutes, when he felt the peacefulness of not only the city, but the slumbering man seep into his soul, he walked over and sat at the end of the bench.

"Dallas," he said softly, not wanted to startle the man.

He watched the man slowly come awake, smiling softly when he jerked up and looked around frantically for a few moments before his gaze landed on Dan's.


1 comment:

  1. *smile* thank you so much! You have made my night with your review. I am glad that you liked it and I hope that you like the rest of the books in the series as well.

