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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Author Feature 2: G.S. Carr


Platinum is happy to announce our second feature author in our "Meet-The-Author" series!
I'd like you to say hello to Ms. G.S. Carr, aka: Gabrielle! 

Gabrielle has just released her first novel "Freedom Of Love" and is well on her way to becoming an excellent new romance author with this amazing book! We took the time to sit & chat with Gabrielle recently & we've included her brief interview here for you all to see! 

We hope you'll take a peek into the wonderful world she has created with her first novel "Freedom Of Love"! 


Author Q&A Session With G.S. Carr

1) Why did you decide to start writing?

1) I never really decided to start writing. It's just always been something I've done. I literally have a report card from the third grade where my teacher praised my writing ability. It just gives me the most peace in the world. It's an escape for me.

2) Do you think authors can succeed in multiple genres or should they stick with a single genre?

2) I definitely think authors can succeed in multiple genres. I plan to do it myself. I don't sit down and say this would be a great story but it's not romance so I won't write it. If it comes to me and I like it I'm going to write it no matter the category it falls in.

3) What do you feel is the biggest reward to you with writing?

3) My biggest reward from writing is just the feeling I get while doing it. It's one of the few things in which I feel I am truly gifted and in which I excel. And I get the chance to make some space in my overstuffed mind by putting my thoughts and feelings on paper.

4) Who are some of your favorite authors & why?

4) My current favorite is Pepper Pace. She is sooooo good. Her characters are far from cookie cutter romance characters. They are all flawed which is what makes them so real. I can see parts of myself in them. She weaves her words so beautifully.

5) What are the biggest hurdles to overcome as an author?

5) I think the biggest hurdle is just giving yourself credibility and establishing yourself. Convincing readers that your book is actually good and someone other than your mother believes that.

6) Is there any advice that you can offer for new writers?

6) My advice would be to enter contests. It's a great way to quickly give yourself credibility as a good author. And it's a great way to get your work in front of other agents, editors, and publishers who may be judges on the contest panel.

7) Tell us a few random personal things about yourself personal & professional!

7) I want to be a vagabond but my need to be sure of when and where my next meal will come from won't let me. I would give anything to be free to travel around the world. One day I'll get there!


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