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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Rip: Touch by Daniel Sherrier


TOO SHORT, TOO AWESOME, I WANT MORE. This short story has me wanting to shake Daniel Sherrier and ask him why in the world he would tease me like this. I am completely in awe with his writing, I mean come on now, he set up this series perfectly with this short...not too much info, not too little info..the perfect combination to enthrall any reader into wanting more. I love a good GHOST story, and this one didn't disappoint! Smartass Angels, Batty ghosts, a main charrie who is one of the Seven and who has been reunited with an old friend (who I hope becomes his main interest, the attraction is obviously there), and of course, right at the end, Zeno the phantom. I'm so ready for Rip to kick some ghostly butt with the help of Serissa and Kalli! I give this book 4.5 platinum rings... 
~ Jaime ~ Platinum Reviewer

Platinum gives Daniel & Rip: Touch: 4.5 Platinum 


Opening yourself up to a whole new world can leave you vulnerable -- but it's the only way to grow. That's what Rip Cooper has to do when he learns he can perceive ghosts with his five senses as if they were flesh and blood people, and he's just as solid to them -- in fact, the only solid thing to them. This young loner has to overcome his fears and kill dead people to prevent them from corrupting the living. He works alongside an impure angel and his ex-best friend's ex-girlfriend as they teach him how love can conquer fear.

RIP is a series of novelettes that tell one larger coming-of-age and redemption story.

In this premiere episode, "Touch," Rip may be a successful freelance photographer making a name for himself in a new town, but personally, he's in a rut. No friends, no goals, no greater purpose. He's going through the motions...until the "angel" Serissa informs him he's "one of the Seven.

Two new people faded into view. Maybe not so new…

This pair, a middle-aged man and woman, gave the speaker their full attention. No one else seemed to notice their arrival. But Rip did. Or had he simply missed them earlier? He checked his camera’s preview screen, but he couldn’t find them in any of the group shots he’d already taken. Granted, the faces were tiny, but none of the people he’d snapped so far were wearing those immaculate white shirts and pants.

“Not only that,” Bob continued, “but our investigators have all reported experiencing sensations of serenity while standing within this frame structure. And we don’t always experience the good stuff like that.” Rip zoomed in on the new couple and took their picture. He checked the screen.

They didn’t photograph. Did he miss? No, how could he miss?........

                         ~~~FIND DANIEL HERE ON FACEBOOK~~~

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